Here is a simplified mxl structure 'xml',
Here is what I tried;
XmlDocument submission = new XmlDocument();
var bookNodes = submission.SelectNodes("//*[starts-with(local-name(),'book_')]");
This gives me a list of books.
foreach (XmlNode book in bookNodes)
//I want to do something like to find book authors for the book in context e.g. for the first book I just want nodes for Alice and Bob.
// var bookAuthors = book.SelectNodes("decendants::[starts-with(local-name(),'author_')");
How can I just do a starts with to check on decendent elements?
EDIT: Seems like it's a typo...
var bookAuthors = book.SelectNodes("descendant::*[starts-with(local-name(),'MeritCriterion_')]");
You can access your descendant nodes by using the following XPath syntax:
XmlDocument submission = new XmlDocument();
var bookNodes = submission.SelectNodes("//*[starts-with(local-name(),'book_')]");
foreach (XmlNode book in bookNodes)
var author = book.SelectNodes("descendant::*[starts-with(local-name(),'author_')]");
foreach (XmlNode authorInfo in author)
Console.WriteLine(authorInfo .InnerText);
In short, you need to access descendant::(all)[starts-with]
or else you're just trying to access no descendant in your XPath. :)