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Multiple UVs/textures for single mesh in THREE.js

I have an OBJ that uses four textures. The UVs defined in the file range from (0, 0) to (2, 2), such that (0.5, 0.5) refers to a coordinate in the first texture, (0.5, 1.5) is a UV coordinate in the second texture, (1.5, 0.5) is a coordinate in the third texture, and (1.5, 1.5) is a coordinate in the last texture.

I already have the correct three.js geometry or object. However, I now need to be able to apply the correct texture maps to these objects.

In code:

I have a THREE.Mesh with the correct geometry (with UVs coords such that U = [0, 2], V = [0, 2]) and a dummy placeholder material. I currently load a single texture like so:

var texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load('tex_u1_v1.png', function() { = texture; = true;

As expected, one fourth of the mesh is textured correctly. I have three more texture files, tex_u1_v2.png, tex_u2_v1.png, and tex_u2_v2.png. I want to be able to apply these textures as well to object (the THREE.js mesh), such that there is a texture for every valid UV in the mesh.

However, I do not know how to add multiple materials to object after it has been created. Moreover, I do not know how to specify to the mesh that tex_u1_v2.png, for example, should be used for UVs in range (U = [0, 2], V = [1, 2]).


  • The standard materials in Three will only accept a single texture object for the various map-parameters (and the texture objects will only hold a single image), so in order to use multiple textures on your object you will have to use multiple materials or create your own multi-texture-material. If you have experience with shader programming you will probably get the best performance with the latter approach (assuming you have enough video memory for your large textures) as you can draw the entire mesh in a single draw call and without having to load new shaders or textures.

    To create your own shader you can use the ShaderMaterial or RawShaderMaterial, give it one texture uniform for every texture you will need (four in your case) and then in the shader code pick the correct one to sample depending on the coordinates.

    To make an object use more than one material you can set the material property to an array of materials (either during creation with the constructor parameter, or just replace it manually at a later stage).

    const myMaterials = [tex1Material, tex2Material, tex3Material, tex4Material];
    const myMesh = new THREE.Mesh(myGeometry, myMaterials);
    myMesh.materials = myMaterials;

    Then, to make the different parts of your mesh use the appropriate materials you will have to create groups if it is a BufferGeometry; or set the materialIndex of the faces if you are using a Geometry. The material index (both in the group and the face) is the index of the material in the mesh.material array shown above.

    Now that you have different parts of the mesh with different materials, you can just give each material their own textures.

    • The probably easiest way to get the correct uv coordinates for the textures would be to just keep each part in the [0,1] interval. Since each part of the mesh uses a unique material you don't have to worry about overlapping coordinates.

    If you don't want to modify your already existing coordinates there are two alternative approaches:

    • Set the texture wrapping to THREE.RepeatWrapping:

      myTexture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
      myTexture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;

      This will make the texture repeat beyond the standard [0-1] uv interval.

    • The other way is to use the offset property of the texture to push it back into the [0-1] interval. For a texture to be placed in the u[0,1], v[1,2] interval you would set the offset the v-coordinate by -1:

      myTexture.offset = new THREE.Vector2(0, -1);

    Here is a link to a jsfiddle that demonstrate these methods: