I'm using Kibana 5.5 and would like to create a visualization that shows percentage of successful transactions made to my server.
In order to do that I have a field in the document named "httpCode" and I would like to get the percentage of "httpCode: 200" out of the total transactions made.
I managed to put this in visulalization that does separate lines, but I would like to get percentage over time and not count.
Thanks, Moshe
Create a new bar or area chart and choose count as aggregation, set your field for Date Histogram
. Next in buckets tab add Split Series
and choose Filters
as Sub Aggregation
. Your first filter should look like that:
Filter 1
Use http.keyword
instead if is available.
Filter 2
NOT httpCode:200
Go to Metrics & Axes tab, expand LeftAxis-1
and change mode
to percentage
On my exmaple it should look like that: