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Colorize plantuml activity diagram

I want to set a custom skin for my activity diagrams. I only managed to set the skin for activities:

skinparam activity {
    BackgroundColor #AAAAAA
    BorderColor #BBBBBB

Is it possible to set custom colors for conditions and loops, too?

Thanks in advance! Max


  • try this:

    skinparam activityDiamondBackgroundColor #AAAAAA
    skinparam activityDiamondBorderColor #BBBBBB


    skinparam activity {
        DiamondBackgroundColor #AAAAAA
        DiamondBorderColor #BBBBBB

    found in

    The default color for background is #FEFECE, search the source file, got MY_YELLOW, then search MY_YELLOW, got activityDiamondBackground, then I tried activityDiamondBackgroundColor, and it works.