I cant solve this homework that needs to ask the user to enter student marks and output the minimum mark of the student, can someone please help me solve this problem:
function getMarks() {
var marks = prompt('Type the students marks, seperate each student mark with comma, do not write the percentage mark % .').split(',');
return marks;
var studentMarks = getMarks();
var arrayLength = studentMarks.length;
var studentNumber = 0;
var msg = '';
var i;
for (i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
studentNumber = (i + 1);
msg += 'student ' + studentNumber + ': ';
msg += studentMarks[i] + '%' + '<br />';
} document.getElementById('marks').innerHTML = msg; document.getElementById('marke').innerHTML = math.min.apply(null, studentMarks) + '%';
I will do that in the following way:
function getMarks() {
var marks = prompt('Type the students marks, seperate each student mark with comma, do not write the percentage mark % .');
return marks.split(',').map(n => Number(n));
var marksArray = getMarks();
var studentMarks = Math.min(...marksArray);
var position = marksArray.indexOf(studentMarks);
var msg = 'Student ' + Number(position + 1) + ': ';
document.getElementById('marks').innerHTML = msg + studentMarks + '%';
<p id="marks"></p>