Is it possible to do one query to ContactsContract to get a set of contacts which match either the display name or a phone number or an email address?
This is essentially a join of the Contacts and Data "tables" (in quotes because they only look like tables through the interface but may not be).
In other words, I'd like a where clause something like (simplifying the syntax a bit)
where Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME like "%?%"
and CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER like "%?%")
and CommonDAtaKinds.Email.ADDRESS like "%?%")
and the tables are joined like
Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID = RawContacts.ID and RawContacts.CONTACT_ID = Contacts.ID
I could do this as separate queries without the join, but then ordering the results becomes difficult. I'd like them ordered by display name.
The answer was stairing me in the face. The Data table is already a join (or looks like one, maybe it is a denormalized table internally). Thus, all I need to do is query for all three matches directly:
where Data.DISPLAY_NAME like "%?%"
and CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER like "%?%")
and CommonDAtaKinds.Email.ADDRESS like "%?%")
Note the Data.DISPLAY_NAME, above.