Search code examples

Nest ElasticSearch adding conditional Terms

I have the following Query that I am building up, notice that filtering on the companyGroupId I cant seem to find suitable way to add and conditional Term.

I would like to check the includeTerminationDate value and conditionally add the term

So in a nutshell, if false don't return records with an termination date.

private Func<QueryContainerDescriptor<EmployeeDocument>, QueryContainer> EmployeeSearchQuery(string query, long companyGroupId, bool includeTerminationDate)
            return q => q
                            .MultiMatch(m => m

                                .Fields(f => f
                                    .Field(ff => ff.FullName, 3)
                                    .Field(ff => ff.Number, 3)
                                    .Field(ff => ff.Email)
                                    .Field(ff => ff.JobNumber)
                                    .Field(ff => ff.Description))) && q.Term(f => f.CompanyGroupId, companyGroupId);

The one why would just be to duplicate the code and add the Term per the condition. But i would like to keep to the DRY Principle. The other way would be something like the below, which I cant seem to figure out.

return q => q
                            .MultiMatch(m => m

                                .Fields(f => f
                                    .Field(ff => ff.FullName, 3)
                                    .Field(ff => ff.Number, 3)
                                    .Field(ff => ff.Email)
                                    .Field(ff => ff.JobNumber)
                                    .Field(ff => ff.Description))) && q.Term(f => f.CompanyGroupId, companyGroupId)
                                                                     && !includeTerminationDate ? q.Term(f => f.TerminationDate, null) : 'Otherwise do not include term';


  • One way to achieve this would be to convert the expression to a method group, and conditionally add the query

    private Func<QueryContainerDescriptor<EmployeeDocument>, QueryContainer> EmployeeSearchQuery(string query, long companyGroupId, bool includeTerminationDate)
        return q =>
            var qc = q.MultiMatch(m => m
                       .Fields(f => f
                           .Field(ff => ff.FullName, 3)
                           .Field(ff => ff.Number, 3)
                           .Field(ff => ff.Email)
                           .Field(ff => ff.JobNumber)
                           .Field(ff => ff.Description))) && 
                    q.Term(f => f.CompanyGroupId, companyGroupId);
            // whatever your logic is for adding termination date
            if (includeTerminationDate)
                qc &= q.Term(f => f.TerminationDate, DateTime.UtcNow);
            return qc;

    Then to use

    client.Search<EmployeeDocument>(s => s
        .Query(EmployeeSearchQuery("query", 2, false))


      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
              "multi_match": {
                "type": "most_fields",
                "query": "query",
                "minimum_should_match": "90%",
                "fields": [
              "term": {
                "companyGroupId": {
                  "value": 2


    client.Search<EmployeeDocument>(s => s
        .Query(EmployeeSearchQuery("query", 2, true))


      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
              "multi_match": {
                "type": "most_fields",
                "query": "query",
                "minimum_should_match": "90%",
                "fields": [
              "term": {
                "companyGroupId": {
                  "value": 2
              "term": {
                "terminationDate": {
                  "value": "2018-05-16T23:21:16.8309753Z"