I wanted to add the a varible in the prepareded statement and
String Query = "SELECT count(*) count from apps.fnd_user fu where "
+ "UPPER(fu.user_name) like 'ADMIN_ ||:1||' ";
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(Query);
stmt.setString(1, CompanyName);
yet this error is showing . Any Fix for this mistake ..... can i concat using pipes while preparing the statement.
Don't concatenate in SQL. Do it in Java:
String sql = "SELECT count(*) count" +
" FROM apps.fnd_user fu" +
" WHERE UPPER(fu.user_name) LIKE ?";
try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
stmt.setString(1, "ADMIN_" + companyName);
try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) {
// code here
Note that:
, not :1
If you insist on doing it in SQL, the syntax would be (using Concatenation Operator):
" WHERE UPPER(fu.user_name) LIKE 'ADMIN_' || ?";
Or (using CONCAT()
" WHERE UPPER(fu.user_name) LIKE CONCAT('ADMIN_', ?)";