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How to configure RetryTemplate only for Http status code 500?

I'm using spring-retry (with java 8 lambda) to retry the failed REST calls. I want to retry only for those call which returned 500 error. But I'm not able to configure retrytemplate bean for that. Currently the bean is simple as follows:

public RetryTemplate retryTemplate() {

    Map<Class<? extends Throwable>, Boolean> retryableExceptions= Collections.singletonMap(HttpServerErrorException.class,
    SimpleRetryPolicy retryPolicy = new SimpleRetryPolicy(3, retryableExceptions);

    FixedBackOffPolicy backOffPolicy = new FixedBackOffPolicy();
    backOffPolicy.setBackOffPeriod(1500); // 1.5 seconds

    RetryTemplate template = new RetryTemplate();

    return template;

Can anybody help me with this. Thanks in advance.


  • So I solved my problem by creating custom RetryPolicy in following way:

    RetryTemplate template = new RetryTemplate();
        template.setRetryPolicy(new InternalServerExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy());

    and the implementation is as follows:

    public class InternalServerExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy extends ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy {
        public InternalServerExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy() {
            final SimpleRetryPolicy simpleRetryPolicy = new SimpleRetryPolicy();
            this.setExceptionClassifier(new Classifier<Throwable, RetryPolicy>() {
                public RetryPolicy classify(Throwable classifiable) {
                    if (classifiable instanceof HttpServerErrorException) {
                        // For specifically 500 and 504
                        if (((HttpServerErrorException) classifiable).getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
                                || ((HttpServerErrorException) classifiable)
                                        .getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT) {
                            return simpleRetryPolicy;
                        return new NeverRetryPolicy();
                    return new NeverRetryPolicy();

    Hopefully this will help you.