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how can I get the asset path of a given rendition from in Java file in AEM?

I want to display 'cq5dam.thumbnail.140.100.png' rendition of my image asset as a thumbnail in my html page. How can I get the asset path of one of my asset in DAM in a java/JSP for a given rendition


  • this function will do the trick

    public static String getImageAssetPath(SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest,String actualDamPath,String renditionParam,String defaultPath) {
        try {
                  Resource resource = slingRequest.getResourceResolver().getResource(actualPath);
                  Asset asset = resource.adaptTo(Asset.class);
                  String imageAssetPath = asset.getRendition(renditionParam).getPath();
        "imageAssetPath for given rendition: " + imageAssetPath);
                  return imageAssetPath;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return defaultPath;

    put this function in a tag library so that the same can be used in your jsps
