Search code examples

What is use of camel case in Eclipse Resource, Type Search

Other than wildcards,- *? I can even go for camel case, it is slightly confusing, because when I searched some pattern,- I am getting mix of cases when dig into package and search, moreover results not had come as expected.

How do I effectively use camel case with or without wild card, paticularly searching within some specific package. What is this for camel case in Eclipse,- Type & Resource,- search.

Search term I have used,-


And result for it,-

enter image description here

For term,


Results are,

enter image description here


  • The help for Open Type says:

    The following pattern kinds are supported:


    • "*" for any string and "?" for any character
    • terminating "<" or " " (space) to prevent the automatic prefix matching, e.g. "java.*Access<" to match java.util.RandomAccess but not

    Camel case:

    • "TZ" for types containing "T" and "Z" as upper-case letters in camel-case notation, e.g. java.util.TimeZone

    • "NuPoEx" or "NuPo" for types containing "Nu", "Po", (and "Ex") as parts in camel-case notation, e.g. java.lang.NullPointerException

    • terminating "<" or " " (space) to fix the number of camel-case parts, e.g. "HMap<" and "HaMap<" match "HashMap" and "HatMapper", but not "HashMapEntry" nor "Hashmap".