I am developing a chatbot using Microsoft Botframework. Bot works fine when I run it locally with emulator. How ever when I deploy it on Azure as a bot service and try to access it using webchat channel it start giving 502 error.I am tried following steps to deploy it.
I have deployed bots in the past as well but at that I was using dev.botframework.com for configuring bots.
This is first time I am trying to deploy it on Azure Bot service and don't know what am I missing here.
Can someone help me with this?
The error (HTTP status code 502) indicates that either the bot returned an error or the request timed out. You can go to the bot's Channels blade and click the "Issues" link for the affected channel to check the information about errors, or use Application Insights to trace error details.
Besides, if possible, you can create a new simple bot application with Bot Builder SDK in visual studio and upgrade the Bot Builder SDK for project, then deploy it to corresponding Azure app service with the following steps&diagrams, and check if new bot application can work with bot service.
After you created it, two resources: Web App Bot and App Service are created in your resource group. Something like below:
To deploy your bot application developed by Bot Builder SDK in visual studio, you can choose and publish to that corresponding app service.
Note: you can check “Remove additional files at destination” option when you deploy the bot application to your Azure web app