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XML schema for UML 2.3 in XMI 2.1 file

Where can I find a xml schema or a DTD for the following namespace:

Is there such a thing? I would like to export UML data model into a XMI file. In order to validate the exported XMI file I need this xml schema file.


  • I've looked for this in the past, and from what I understand, there is no XML schema for the XMI serialization of a UML model.

    Instead, Section 6, "XML Document Production", of the MOF 2.0/XMI Mapping (see "specifies the XMI production of an XML document from a model based on the MOF 2.0 Core." UML is an instance of MOF, so this also specifies the XMI serialization of a UML model. Effectively, it specifies a grammar for XMI, then describes the use of the grammar to produce XMI for an instance of an model element.

    It isn't a schema, but it's as close as I've found.