I'm a beginner with FullCalendar, I need to develop a calendar with schedular view with vertical ressources. My problem is when I want to insert ressources objects in my calendar, FullCalendar display only 14 ressources while I have 15 ressources. All the time my calendar forget one ressource.
See my code to insert ressources :
//Fetch all users from database
function fetchAllUsers() {
function(d) {
self.users = d;
for(var i = 0; i < d.length; i++)
$('#calendar').fullCalendar('addResource', {
id: d[i].nom,
title: d[i].prenom + " " + d[i].nom,
function(errResponse) {
console.error('Error while fetching activities');
Please see the array object (with no data because I can't publish this data on Stackoverflow) :
"id": 601,
"nom": "TEST4",
"prenom": "TEST2",
"id": 2,
"nom": "TEST8",
"prenom": "TEST6",
"id": 1,
"nom": "TEST7",
"prenom": "TEST3",
"id": 4,
"nom": "TEST45",
"prenom": "TEST6",
"id": 6,
"nom": "TEST23",
"prenom": "TEST12",
"id": 9,
"nom": "TEST20",
"prenom": "TEST25",
"id": 10,
"nom": "TEST74",
"prenom": "TEST68",
"id": 11,
"nom": "TEST78",
"prenom": "TEST87",
"id": 12,
"nom": "TEST456",
"prenom": "TEST568",
"id": 401,
"nom": "TEST75",
"prenom": "TEST454",
"id": 501,,
"nom": "TEST42",
"prenom": "TEST125",
"id": 617,
"nom": "TEST754",
"prenom": "TEST7512",
"id": 619,
"nom": "TEST45",
"prenom": "TEST78",
"id": 611,
"nom": "TRUC",
"prenom": "TEST",
"id": 604,
"nom": "TOTO",
"prenom": "TUTUT",
(length : 15)
Real IDs of my data :
Thanks for your help !
Your problem is because you have two resources with the same nom
, and since you use nom
as the resource ID, it fails because you cannot have duplicate IDs - if you did, fullCalendar would not be able to distinguish between them when doing things like adding to the calendar, or dragging events.
See https://jsfiddle.net/toytd26b/74 which demonstrates that issue - the second resource with nom: "TEST45" does not get added to the calendar.
Assuming that the id
field in your objects is unique, I suggest you use that instead as the resource ID. One tiny change to your code is all that's needed:
for(var i = 0; i < d.length; i++)
$('#calendar').fullCalendar('addResource', {
id: d[i].id, // use your id field as the resource ID
title: d[i].prenom + " " + d[i].nom
}, true);
Now see https://jsfiddle.net/toytd26b/75 which is using your id
field as the resource ID. All the resources are present on the calendar.