I'm assuming this is an error on my part but I can't figure out why ReSharper dotcover is showing my test coverage of certain queries (and commands too) as 0%.
So I have a .NET Core CQRS API that is made up of a lot of EF Core LINQ. Below is a simple example of one of my queries's main execute method (I left out the DI constructor but I'm sure you git the idea):
public bool Execute(SelectIsReportRequested query)
var context = _clientDatabase.GetContext(query.DatabaseId);
var result = (from a in context.Assessments
join r in context.Registrations on a.AssessmentId equals r.AssessmentId
where a.PublicId == query.ResponseId
select r.ReportRequested).SingleOrDefault();
return result == 1;
Then I have the following test that mocks the various bits and runs the query:
public void It_should_return_true_if_a_report_has_been_requested_for_the_givenassessment()
const int assessmentId = 1;
var responseId = Guid.NewGuid();
var mockRepository = new Mock<ICViewClientContext>();
var assessments = new List<Assessments>
new Assessments { AssessmentId = assessmentId, PublicId = responseId },
var registrations = new List<Registrations>
new Registrations { AssessmentId = assessmentId, ReportRequested = 1 },
mockRepository.Setup(x => x.Registrations).Returns(registrations.AsDbSetMock().Object);
mockRepository.Setup(x => x.Assessments).Returns(assessments.AsDbSetMock().Object);
var mockClientDatabase = new Mock<IClientDatabase>();
mockClientDatabase.Setup(x => x.GetContext(1)).Returns(mockRepository.Object);
var query = new Queries.Assessments.SelectIsReportRequested(2, responseId);
var handler = new Queries.Assessments.SelectIsReportRequestedHandler(mockClientDatabase.Object);
var result = handler.Execute(query);
Assert.AreEqual(true, result);
The tests passes (and will also fail if I break the logic in the LINQ) or any other logic in the code.
However, running dotcover runs the test, passes it but says that none of it is covered.
I would love to know why because it's really driving me insane and worries me that I've done something completely wrong!
So I think through blind luck I have been able to solve my issue and wanted to post what I did just in case it helps anyone else.
Whilst trying to get the logs to submit to JetBrains I did the following:
Then I re-ran dotcover and suddenly all my test coverage was shown and all my test cover code highlighting was shown correctly.
I've sent a message back to JetBrains and if they give me any info as to why that solved it I'll post that too.