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Import another Texture at runtime (three.js with .glb Format)

I am trying to change a texture of an .glb object at runtime. I am using three.js and it will not work.

As in this example it has to work...

So, I have this object: (glb export with embedded image) Shoe

Now I change the texture and something wild like this happens: Shoe after change

I have no Idea what I can do.

Here is the code of loading the .glb object:

var shoeFile = 'shoe.glb';
glbLoader.load('3d_models/' + shoeFile, function(geometry) {
  shoeObject = geometry.scene.children[0];
}, onLoadProgress);

Here is the code for changing the texture:

var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
var remap = textureLoader.load( "3d_models/shoe.png" );

function setAnotherTexture( texture ) {
   scene.children[5] = eval( texture );

Is my code wrong or is there a trick to export another texture in blender?

Hope someone can help me with it. Thank you.


  • The glTF format uses a different texture convention than three.js, and texture.flipY must be set to false (its default is true). For textures included in a model, GLTFLoader does this automatically. When changing out the texture or adding a new texture at runtime, this must be done in your JS code:

    texture.flipY = false; = texture;