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A way to fit circles on 3D data

What I am trying to do is to fit a circle across all cross-sections of 3D point cloud data that resembles a pipe.

The data resembles a cylindrical shape with disconnected parts in between, which can be ignored at this point. These data are composed of X, Y, and Z component.

original data

At first I thought it would be better to take a cross section of the data, and find the best circle to fit on it, then apply it across the entire data to get many circles.

I first was able to obtain the curve-fitting after swapping X and Z axis to make the data explicit(thanks to jlandercy for answering my previous question(Describing the data points with arc-shaped graph). Then extracted a circle from the point where slope is 0. This is the idea coming from the fact that a circle should be able to fit where it is 90 degrees between a horizontal and a vertical lines, as depicted with the following picture: Circle at Right Angle.

To explain it in more detail, what I did was finding the point along the curve of the cross-section data where the slope is 0 and finding another point where slope is the infinite. But as there is no point along the curve where the slope is infinite, I have assumed that a perfect circle could not fit along the entire curve, but the best-fitting one could be drawn on the point where slope is 0. So I found the coordinates of the point whose slope is 0 and compared it with the lowest point of the cross-section data. I used their coordinates to find the center of the circle, and I used the difference of X component between the point of slope 0 and the center to find the radius. As a result, I was able to draw a circle that seems to fit best with the curve on the cross section as displayed in yellow in the picture below.

I ignored Y components at that time, because I found that their variance and standard deviation were very low compared to those of the X and Z components, meaning that they don't really affect my analysis.

cross-section of the data without Y component

Now my plan is trying to apply it across the entire data so that I can create circles for every cross section. Somewhat like below.

Ideal goal

The ultimate goal is to connect the centers of these circles on every cross section of the data, to obtain a non-straight line, which I believe wouldn't be too difficult once I am able to obtain the circles on all the cross sections.

I hope that what I am trying to achieve is clear. I just have no idea how to apply my cross-section method across the original data at this point. I was thinking about taking a for loop to apply it across the entire data but I couldn't quite imagine how to specify the loop for it. I was trying to get some help of Chat-GPT, but it didn't really help me.

I also have tried other methods of finding certerline of the point cloud such as combination of Delanay Triangulation and Voronoi Tessellation as suggested by another post Fit Curve-Spline to 3D Point Cloud. But I was not able to succeed.

If anyone can give me some hint or advice, I would appreciate it.

The original data is too large so I am linking on my OneDrive with a link: Original Data

Here is the piece of my code for how I approached with my idea of cross-section circle fitting.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the point cloud data
data = pd.read_csv('data/selected_2.csv')
points = data.to_numpy()
x = points[:, 0]
y = points[:, 1]
z = points[:, 2]

# Calculate polynomial
a = np.polyfit(z, x, 7)
f_poly = np.poly1d(a)

# Find new x and y data along the curve
z_new = np.linspace(z[0], z[-1], 50)
x_new = f_poly(z_new)
data_new = np.vstack((z_new, x_new)).T

# Define the derivative function
def FindingDerivatives(data_new):
    slopes = []
    for i in range(len(data_new) - 1):
        z1, x1 = data_new[i]
        z2, x2 = data_new[i + 1]
        slope = (x2 - x1) / (z2 - z1)
        slopes.append((z1, slope))
    return slopes

# Define the function to find perpendicular line slopes
def FindingPerpendicular(slopes):
    perpendicular = []
    for z1, slope in slopes:
        if slope != 0:
            inverse = -1 / slope # Perpendicular line is the inverse of the original slope
            inverse = float('inf')  # Perpendicular to a horizontal line is a vertical line
        perpendicular.append((z1, inverse))
    return perpendicular

# Find the maximum slope element
def FindMinMaxSlopeElement(slopes):
    target_slope_elements = []
    max_slope_elements = 0
    min_slope_elements = 0
    max_slope = max(slopes)[1]
    min_slope = min(slopes)[1]
    print(max_slope, min_slope)
    for i in range(len(slopes)):
        if slopes[i][1] == min_slope:
            max_slope_elements = slopes[i]
        if slopes[i][1] == max_slope:
            min_slope_elements = slopes[i]
    return target_slope_elements

# Find the corresponding coordinates to the maximum slope element
def FindCorrespondingCoordinates(target_slope_elements, data):
    min_coordinates = []
    max_coordinates = []
    target_coordinates = []
    for i in range(len(data)):
        if data[:, 0][i] == target_slope_elements[0][0]:
            min_coordinates.append(data[:, 0][i])
            min_coordinates.append(data[:, 1][i])
        if data[:, 0][i] == target_slope_elements[1][0]:
            max_coordinates.append(data[:, 0][i])
            max_coordinates.append(data[:, 1][i])
    return target_coordinates

# Find the circle based on the coordinate values corresponding to the maximum and minimum slopes
def FindCircle(target_coordinates):
    circle_info = []
    center_z = target_coordinates[0][1] 
    center_x = target_coordinates[1][0]
    center = [center_z, center_x]
    radius = target_coordinates[0][0] - target_coordinates[1][0]
    print(center, radius)
    return circle_info

# Draw the circle
def CircleDraw(circle, test_data, z_new, x_new):
    radius = circle[0]
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.scatter(test_data[:, 1], test_data[:, 0])
    ax.plot(z_new, x_new, 'y')
    cir = plt.Circle((circle[1][0], circle[1][1]), radius, color='r',fill=False)
    center_label = f"center: \n {round(circle[1][0], 2), round(circle[1][1], 2)}"
    plt.annotate(center_label, xy=(circle[1][0], circle[1][1]), ha='center') 
    ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='datalim')
    ax.set_xlabel('Z Data')  # X axis data label
    ax.set_ylabel('X Data')  # Y axis data label

# Organize the test data (only taking 'X' and 'Z' coordinates of the original data)
test_data = points[:, [0, 2]]
# Find the slope of the original data
slopes = FindingDerivatives(test_data)
# Find perpendicular lines of the original data
perpendicular = FindingPerpendicular(slopes)
# Find minimum and maximum slope elements 
target_slope_elements = FindMinMaxSlopeElement(slopes) 
print("Target Slopes", target_slope_elements)
# Find the target coordinates
target_coordinates = FindCorrespondingCoordinates(target_slope_elements, test_data) 
print("Target Coordinates: ", target_coordinates)
# Find the circle information
circle = FindCircle(target_coordinates)
print("radius: %s center: %s" % (circle[0], circle[1]))
# Call the circle function
CircleDraw(circle, test_data, z_new, x_new)

# Here is the cross-section of the data
# ('Y' components are not really used as I decided that they don't really affect my analysis)

Please comment if my question is not clear enough. I will update and revise the question as much as necessary.

Thanks a lot!


  • You did not specify a programming language, so if C++ works for you, PCL could be what you are looking for. PCL has an implementation of the RANSAC method to find a geometric model in noisy data. Many different models are supported, most interesting for you would be CIRCLE2D, CIRLCE3D, and CYLINDER (see

    Here is a tutorial on how to fit a cylinder: