I have a simple problem. Is there a way that if i could select a value from a dropdown and then when i add another row, that selected dropdown value cannot be selected anymore? Only values that are not selected will be available in the dropdown? Here's the link to my stackblitz below:
<div class="col-sm-12">
<select class="form-control" formControlName="ingredientData">
<option value="null" hidden>-- Select Ingredient --</option>
<option *ngFor="let ingredient of ingredients" [ngValue]="ingredient">
You can check whether current option is already selected in value of form's rows
form array and set disabled
to corresponding select option.
<option *ngFor="let ingredient of ingredients" [ngValue]="ingredient" [disabled]="isSelected(ingredient)">
isSelected(ingredientData) {
return this.addForm.get('rows').value.find(item => ingredientData === item.ingredientData);
Refer example.