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makefile .mod compilation rule

I'm modifying makefile of a code. After compiling, I see that some *.mod files are generated. looking online, I figured out they are module files, but I don't see a compilation rule for them. I'm trying to change the directory in which these files are generated. I can change the rule for object files, but I can't find the rule that generates *.mod files.

Looking at the makefile, can someone advise me if a line in this file generates them or how to change their directory. Here is the makefile:

   # GNU Makefile

   # Paths
   TOP = .  

   FC      =       ifort

   FFLAGS          =       -fpp -O1 -DPTR_INTEGER8 -warn nousage

   # Define rule to make .f90
   $(ODIR)/%.o : $(SDIR)/%.f90 
    $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $< -o $@

   # set executable name
   EXEC = $(dir ${CASE})/$(basename $(notdir ${CASE})).out

   # shared global variables
   _SHARED_OBJ =    shared_modules.o main_vars.o debug_vars.o
   SHARED_OBJ = $(patsubst %,$(ODIR)/%,$(_SHARED_OBJ))

   OBJ     =  ${_SHARED_OBJ} $(_CASE).PARAMS.o 
   OBJ = $(patsubst %,$(SDIR)/%,$(_OBJ))

   MAIN_OBJ = $(ODIR)/main.o

   main : ${SHARED_OBJ} $(OBJ) $(MAIN_OBJ) 
    $(FC) ${FFLAGS} $(OBJ) $(MAIN_OBJ) -o $(EXEC) -lstdc++ -shared-intel


  • You can specify the destination directory for the .mod files by using the -module compiler option.

    -module <directory> 

    See the ifort documentation here:

    You can use the module path compiler option to specify the directory in which to create the module files. If you do not use this option, module files are created in the current directory.