I am running Jenkins version 2.85 on Kubernetes as pod(Affinity set to one workernode). I am creating Jobs using Salt Jenkins module by passing XML to this module.
I am using Jenkins Global Library for preforming job execution.
I am calling GobalLibrary with my parameters like repoURL, componet etc..,
Things goes well for weeks and now I landed to a weird situation where my job configurations(config.xml) gets updated/revert automatically.
Intermittently my "Build with parameter" options disappears and I can see only "Build now" in Jenkins GUI. Initially I thought someone is doing this, so to track the config changes I installed Job config history plugin in Jenkins and what I find is strange. Someone with "SYSTEM" username is making/reverting changes.
This is how it looks
and what I find is SYSTEM user revert only JOB config changes, not the PIPELINE.
I am not sure what's going wrong behind the scenes and how to stop or fix this. This is my Production instance so I am more worried.
I can see a SYSTEM user in my Jenkins
but I can not delete that user
Few relevant Question I find for this but with no answers
Configuration of Jobs getting updated by System user on Jenkins
Jenkins SYSTEM user removes custom workspace configuration
I am not sure if this Jenkins Bug or some plugin is playing with my soul.
Need help! :(
Okay I find the answer to this problem.
I have used properties in my Jekins Global Library something like this
// Disable concurrent builds
which overrides my external job configuration(done via salt).
Hint I get from this blog: https://st-g.de/2016/12/parametrized-jenkins-pipelines