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Putting a static address into a register with GNU AS (GAS) .intel_syntax?

.intel_syntax noprefix
.global _start

mov     eax, 4
mov     ebx, 1
mov     ecx, msg
mov     edx, 15
int     0x80

mov     eax, 1
mov     ebx, 14 
int     0x80

.ascii "Hello, World!\n"

I am trying to compile the above code via GNU AS using the following commands:

asad@Arcturus:~/Desktop/ZJNK$ as --32 -msyntax=intel code.S -o code.o
asad@Arcturus:~/Desktop/ZJNK$ ld -m elf_i386 code.o -o a.out
asad@Arcturus:~/Desktop/ZJNK$ ./a.out 

But I cannot get any output on the terminal. However, the exit code is still readable:

asad@Arcturus:~/Desktop/ZJNK$ echo $?

I am using 64-bit Linux and am able to run the above code via nasm after required changes.

What could have gone wrong?


  • To load the address of msg, use

    mov ecx, offset msg