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Redis unit test using redis mock

I'm using the following tool to run an embedded redis for unit testing.

In the beginning of my registrationService is creating a new instance of redis server.

public class RegistrationService

RedisTemplate redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate();  //<- new instance

public String SubmitApplicationOverview(String OverviewRequest) throws IOException {

    . . .

    HashMap<String,Object> applicationData = mapper.readValue(OverviewRequest,new TypeReference<Map<String,Object>>(){});

    redisTemplate.setHashKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer());
    redisTemplate.setHashValueSerializer(new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer());

    UUID Key = UUID.randomUUID();

    redisTemplate.opsForHash().putAll(Key.toString(), (applicationData)); //<-- ERRORS HERE

    System.out.println("Application saved:" + OverviewRequest);

    return Key.toString();

And I'm starting a mock redis server in my Test below.


RedisServer redisServer;

RegistrationService RegistrationService;

public void Setup() {
    redisServer = RedisServer.newRedisServer();

public void testSubmitApplicationOverview() {
    String body = "{\n" +
            "    \"VehicleCategory\": \"CAR\",\n" +
            "    \"EmailAddress\": \"\"\n" +
    String result = RegistrationService.SubmitApplicationOverview(body);

    Assert.assertEquals("something", result);

Redis settings in

#Redis Settings
spring.redis.url= redis://jx-staging-redis-ha-master-svc.jx-staging:6379

However, I'm getting a java.lang.NullPointerException error on the following line in my service under test (registrationService).

redisTemplate.opsForHash().putAll(Key.toString(), (applicationData));


  • According to the [redis-mock][1] documentation, creating an instance like this:

    RedisServer.newRedisServer();  // bind to a random port

    Will bind the instance to a random port. It looks like your code expects a specific port. I believe that you need to specify a port when you create the server by passing a port number like this:

    RedisServer.newRedisServer(8000);  // bind to a specific port