I've topped with a problem I can not understand exactly what's happening here.
I operate with a TreeMap<Custom_class, TreeMap<Custom_class, Integer>>
Here is the fragment of code:
TreeMap<Coordenada, Integer> helper_tree;
boolean newLine = false;
for (Linea l : this.lineas) {
int helper = 0;
newLine = true;
Coordenada helper_co = null;
for (Coordenada c : l.getNodosLinea()) {
if (!c.getEsEstacion() && !c.getEsCruce()) continue;
if (newLine) { map.putIfAbsent(c, new TreeMap<>()); helper_co = c; helper = 0; newLine = false; continue; }
helper_tree = new TreeMap<>();
helper_tree.put(helper_co, helper * 200);
map.put(c, helper_tree);
map.get(helper_co).put(c, helper * 200);
helper_co = c;
helper = 0;
In the execution the highlighted line fails, getting 0 entry for a key: debug mode in intellij
And this is TreeMap
TreeMap structure
I dont understand why in fails at .get(key)
when the key Coordenada(12,2)
is present. All before works just fine.
public class Coordenada implements Comparable<Coordenada>{
private int[] coordenada = new int[2];
private boolean esEstacion = false;
private boolean esCruce = false;
public Coordenada(int[] coordenada){
this.coordenada[0] = coordenada[0];
this.coordenada[1] = coordenada[1];
public void setCoordenada(int[] coordenada) {
this.coordenada = coordenada;
public int[] getCoordenada() {
return coordenada;
public void switchEstacion(){
this.esEstacion = !this.esEstacion;
public void switchCruce() { this.esCruce = !this.esCruce; }
public boolean getEsEstacion() {
return this.esEstacion;
public boolean getEsCruce() { return this.esCruce; }
public boolean equals(Object coord){
Coordenada coordTemp = (Coordenada) coord;
if (this.coordenada[0] != coordTemp.coordenada[0])
return false;
if (this.coordenada[1] != coordTemp.coordenada[1])
return false;
return true;
public int compareTo(Coordenada o) {
if (this.coordenada[0] > o.coordenada[0] )
return 1;
if (this.coordenada[1] > o.coordenada[1] )
return 1;
if (this.coordenada[0] < o.coordenada[0])
return -1;
if (this.coordenada[1] < o.coordenada[1])
return -1;
return 0;
public String toString() {
return "(" + coordenada[0] + ", " + coordenada[1] + ")";
Inserts perfectly Coordenada(12,2)
and modifies previous helper_co = Coordenada(10,2)
debugger variables
Thanks for any help!
Look at your compareTo
(0,1) compareTo (1,0) returns 1
(1,0) compareTo (0,1) returns 1
It's ambiguous.