I am tring to connect a remote server via openvpn using C#. I am able to connect it successfully. but disconneecting seems to not work properly. Once I close my app, I am not able to access the internet. I got to manually disable the TAP Adapter and then enable to execute the app again. I checked my "route print" and yes Tap is coming ahead of internet and hence couldn't access net.
I connect using : openvpn --config client.ovpn --ca certificate.cer --auth-user-pass user.txt
My disconnecting code is :
public void DisconnectServer()
// Write the logs
if (sb != null)
IOUtility.WriteToFile(sb.ToString(), "ConnectionLogs.log");
processInfo = null;
if (process != null)
if (!process.HasExited)
ProcessThreadCollection ptc = process.Threads;
Console.WriteLine("////// PROCESSED THREAD = " + ptc.Count);
for (int i = 0; i > ptc.Count; i++)
ProcessThread pt = ptc[i];
Console.WriteLine("REmoed Thread @ " + i);
sb = null;
connected = false;
On searching net for this issue, I found to use management to exit the openvpn safely. But I cannot make how to run the managemetn code. While start I added : openvpn --config ca.ovpn --ca cert.cer --management 12345 Then how to give SIGTERM signal to close the openvpn. In new cmd, I tried : openvpn --management-signal SIGTERM but things doesn't work.
OpenVpn will not be installed as a Service, so I guess can't use --service attribute.
Can anyone guide me where am I going wrong in disconnecting. How to handle the managemetn-signal code. Which is the best way to disconnet from openvpn server. Can I also exit the openvpn itself ?
Kindly help me. Have searched a lot on internet and found some help but no sucess yet. Stuck on this issue.
Thanks to all,
I found the solution and this is how I suceeded :
foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcesses())
if (p.ProcessName.StartsWith("openvpn"))
Console.WriteLine("Killed Process");
Instead of working with its thread and all, the above code helped out to solve the problem.
I hope this helps others too.