I have a list of meeting room email addresses and I would like to get their names. How do I do that using EWS and a 2010 exchange server. The server does not seem to have SP1 though, so I cannot use ExchanceService.ResolveName. If I do, I get the message Method ResolveName is only valid for Exchange Server version Exchange2010_SP1 or later.
Actually, I am using https://outlook.office365.com, so I am not too sure why I am getting the above error message when I try to use the ResolveName method.
In fact, yes, it is possible to use ResolveName on office365. I was just passing the wrong server version when instanciating ExchangeSercice. I was passing ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010, but it is also possible to use ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP1, ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP2, etc.
You can use the ResolveName
operation like below, to get the meeting room name:
EmailAddressCollection roomLists = service.GetRoomLists();
foreach (EmailAddress email in roomLists)
EmailAddress roomList = email.Address;
PropertySet props = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties);
NameResolutionCollection nrCol = service.ResolveName(email.Address, ResolveNameSearchLocation.DirectoryOnly, true, props);
foreach (NameResolution nr in nrCol)