I want to create sandbox javascript environment and restrict all acces to java classes but the one I specify. I am trying to achieve this by creating Context
using Context.initSafeStandardObjects()
Is there a way to allow other classes to be used by javascript?
If i create context with Context.initStandardObjects()
I can access all java classes which is not what i want.
I found a solution. You can add an instance of java class into the javascript using:
Object wrappedTest = Context.javaToJS(test, scope);
ScriptableObject.putProperty(scope, "test", wrappedTest); //Where text here is name of the variable
Than you can use methods of this class inside javascript, even when u init context using initSafeStandardObjects
Object result = cx.evaluateString(scope, "test.sampleMethod()", "<cmd>",1, null);