I search through the entire source code of Eigen(https://github.com/eigenteam/eigen-git-mirror), but can not fine the definition of some types such as MatrixXd and VectorXd.
The document of Eigen(https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/group__matrixtypedefs.html#ga99b41a69f0bf64eadb63a97f357ab412) says that MatrixXd is defined as
typedef Matrix< double , Dynamic , Dynamic > Eigen::MatrixXd
but I didn't find them is the source code.
is defined by the expansion of the macro EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS_ALL_SIZES(double, d)
on line 451 of Matrix.h.
In fact, that macro ends up expanding to the typedefs for Matrix2d
, Vector2d
, RowVector2d
, Matrix3d
, Vector3d
, RowVector3d
, Matrix4d
, Vector4d
, RowVector4d
, MatrixXd
, VectorXd
, RowVectorXd
, Matrix2Xd
, MatrixX2d
, Matrix3Xd
, MatrixX3d
, Matrix4Xd
, and MatrixX4d