I'm working with PHP and MySQL, and I need to SUM the total amount of products joining 3 tables:
order_products: (There are multiple order products with the same name but different amounts in the table)
order_id (int)
product_name (varchar)
product_amount (int)
order_id (int)
order_date (varchar)
order_status (varchar)
product_name (varchar)
product_amount (int)
So, I want to show how many products I sold and status is shipped and how many I ordered from the supplier in one single row. Any of two examples below will help me to achieve my goal.
Product Name (sum order_products) (sum supplier) Order status
first product 300 2500 Shipped_Only
second product 50 400 Shipped_Only
third product 10 600 Shipped_Only
Product Name (sum order_products) (sum supplier) Order status
first product 2200 2500 Not_Shipped
second product 400 400 Not_Shipped
third product 590 600 Not_Shipped
Are there any examples or other help that I can get to do this?
Edit: Sample Data goes like this
order_id product_name product_amount
255 product 1 200
256 product 1 100
257 product 2 50
258 product 3 10
orders: order_id order_date order_status
255 09.05.2018 Shipped
256 09.05.2018 Shipped
257 10.05.2018 Not_Shipped
258 10.05.2018 Not_Shipped
supplier: product_name product_amount
product 1 2500
product 2 400
product 3 600
You should use a join on the aggregated subselect.
SELECT t1.product_name, t1.sum_order_products, t2.supplier_sum, t1.order_status
SELECT op.product_name, SUM(op.product_amount) sum_order_products, o.order_status
FROM order_products op
INNER JOIN orders o ON op.order_id = o.order_id
WHERE o.order_status = 'Shipped'
GROUP BY op.product_name, o.order_status
) t1
SELECT s.product_name, SUM(s.product_amount) supplier_sum
FROM supplier s
GROUP BY s.product_name
) t2 ON t1.product_name = t2.product_name
ORDER BY t1.order_status, t1.product_name