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Shapeless: lens compiled error on class type parameter

I defined a base trait for all case class, and intend to change the fields(e.g. createTime, updateTime) in base trait by shapeless lens.

Base on the following codes.

// LensTest.scala

package demo

import java.sql.Timestamp

import shapeless._

trait BaseEntity {
  def id: Int
  def createTime: Timestamp
  def updateTime: Timestamp

case class User(id: Int, name: String, age: Int, createTime: Timestamp, updateTime: Timestamp) extends BaseEntity

object Util {
  val witCreateTime = Witness('createTime)
  type tpeCreateTime = witCreateTime.T

  def updateCreateTime[A](a: A, time: Timestamp)(implicit mkLens: MkFieldLens.Aux[A, tpeCreateTime, Timestamp]): A = {
    val lenCreateTime = mkLens()

  * LensTest
object LensTest extends App {
  val user = User(1, "Tom", 18, null, null)
  val now = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())

  def normal_method_call_is_ok(): Unit = {
    println(Util.updateCreateTime(user, now))

  // However, in the below `BaseRepo` definition,
  // Compiler gives an compile error:
  //     could not find implicit value for parameter mkLens: shapeless.MkFieldLens.Aux[E,demo.Util.tpeCreateTime,java.sql.Timestamp]
  // Why? And how to fixed it?

class BaseRepo[E <: BaseEntity] {
  def beforeUpdate(e: E): E = {
    val now = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())
    Util.updateCreateTime(e, now)

As I was commented in the code. I wrote a updateCreateTime function to achieve my goal. It works when I call it in a normal function. However, when I put it in BaseRepo class (which has type parameters), it compile failed. I don't know why this happened, and how to fix it? Any help would be thankful.


  • Give the compiler what it needs:

    class BaseRepo[E <: BaseEntity] {
      def beforeUpdate(e: E)(implicit in: MkFieldLens.Aux[E, tpeCreateTime, Timestamp]): E = {
        val now = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())
        Util.updateCreateTime(e, now)
    object LensTest extends App {
      val user = User(1, "Tom", 18, null, null)
      val now = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())
      def normal_method_call_is_ok(): Unit = {
        println(Util.updateCreateTime(user, now))
      val _user = new BaseRepo[User]
      // However, in the below `BaseRepo` definition,
      // Compiler gives an compile error:
      //     could not find implicit value for parameter mkLens: shapeless.MkFieldLens.Aux[E,demo.Util.tpeCreateTime,java.sql.Timestamp]
      // Why? And how to fixed it?


    User(1,Tom,18,2018-05-10 11:39:50.287,null)