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cucumber repeat substeps in a feature file

I have to run a feature file with multiple cases in a single login. For ex:

Scenario: check total When user logs in with "username" and "password" And user checks for "" on "" And user checks for "" on ""


| username | password | amount1 | date1 |amount2|date2|... some 20 entries..

I need to check for amount on date in a single login,while in my scenario it is login each time for every entry in data table.How do I achieve it?

Instead I want something like this:
When user logs in with "username" and "password"

|username|password| ..use it only once And user checks for "amount" on "date"


|amount|date|....loop over 20 times


  • After some research,I have found an answer to this.Just give a datatable after that step,and take datatable as argument in the corresponding java method and iterate over it.