I just discovered a bug in my code when multiplying hex integers (ex. 0xFFFF) with dec integers (ex. 2). This is the code where the problem occurs:
Executing this code gives me the following result:
This is relevant UART code:
void print_int_new_line(uint64_t data) {
void print_int(uint64_t data) {
char data_buffer[(int)(log(data)+2)]; // size of the number (log(number)+1) + 1 for the /0
ultoa(data, data_buffer, 10); // convert the int to string, base 10
// print the newly created string
void print_string(char * data) {
// transmit the data char by char
for(; *data != '\0'; data++){
void USART_transmit(const char * data){
/* Wait for empty transmit buffer */
while ( !( UCSR0A & (1<<UDRE0)) )
/* Put data into buffer, sends the data */
UDR0 = *data;
Some info about my setup:
MCU: ATmega2560 Board: Arduino Mega2560 UART baudrate: 38400 IDE: Atmel Studio
Using the AVR toolchain.
I read on this stackoverflow page that multiplication is possible between hex and dec ints. Also, testing this in an online c compiler gives the correct output.
Can anyone give me an explanation?
This behavior is due to differences in handling decimal and hexadecimal integer constants.
For both 0xFFFF
and 65535
, the compiler will first try to convert the value to an int
. But since the platform has a 16-bit int
type where INT_MAX
is 32767
, that conversion cannot be performed.
The key difference is the next step. For the hexadecimal constant 0xFFFF
, the compiler will try to convert it to an unsigned int
, which it does to the equivalent of (unsigned int)65535
. But, for the decimal constants, conversions to unsigned types are not attempted. The next conversion attempt is to long int
. This succeeds and is equivalent to (long int)65535
So the calls to print_int_new_line
are equivalent to:
print_int_new_line((unsigned int)65535*2);
print_int_new_line((long int)65535*2);
And when 2
is promoted to do the multiplication:
print_int_new_line((unsigned int)65535*(unsigned int)2);
print_int_new_line((long int)65535*(long int)2);
The unsigned int
result of the first multiplication is too small to hold the full result, so it is truncated to 65534
. The long int
can hold the result, so it produces the correct answer of 131070
You can force the hexadecimal constant to use a long int
by appending an L
(i.e. 0xFFFFL