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Displaying counts for subgroups in summary table

I am trying to create a summary statistics table by subgroup, using estout in Stata. My efforts have been drawing off of the official estout online documentation.

I want the counts of each subgroup to appear in the final table. I know that noobs in the last line removes the observation count. However, if I include noobs only the total observation count is included and not the count for the individual subgroups.

For example:

. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)

. estpost tabstat price mpg rep78, by(foreign) statistics(mean sd) ///
columns(statistics) listwise

Summary statistics: mean sd
     for variables: price mpg rep78
  by categories of: foreign

     foreign |   e(mean)      e(sd) 
Domestic     |                      
       price |   6179.25   3188.969 
         mpg |  19.54167   4.753312 
       rep78 |  3.020833    .837666 
Foreign      |                      
       price |  6070.143   2220.984 
         mpg |  25.28571   6.309856 
       rep78 |  4.285714   .7171372 
Total        |                      
       price |  6146.043    2912.44 
         mpg |  21.28986   5.866408 
       rep78 |  3.405797   .9899323 

. esttab, main(mean) aux(sd) nostar unstack noobs nonote nomtitle nonumber

                 Domestic      Foreign        Total
price              6179.2       6070.1       6146.0
                 (3189.0)     (2221.0)     (2912.4)

mpg                 19.54        25.29        21.29
                  (4.753)      (6.310)      (5.866)

rep78               3.021        4.286        3.406
                  (0.838)      (0.717)      (0.990)


  • The following does what you are looking for:

    sysuse auto
    by foreign: eststo: estpost summarize price mpg rep78, listwise
    eststo Total: estpost summarize price mpg rep78, listwise
    esttab, main(mean) aux(sd) nostar nonote label nonumber nodepvar
                             Domestic      Foreign        Total
    Price                      6179.2       6070.1       6146.0
                             (3189.0)     (2221.0)     (2912.4)
    Mileage (mpg)               19.54        25.29        21.29
                              (4.753)      (6.310)      (5.866)
    Repair Record 1978          3.021        4.286        3.406
                              (0.838)      (0.717)      (0.990)
    Observations                   48           21           69