I need to inherit DataView object to create my own type
and add additional methods etc. But I'm a bit confused how to do this in a right way. I tried to do like this:
var CFDataView = function() {
this.offset = 0;
CFDataView.prototype.__proto__ = DataView.prototype;
CFDataView.prototype.readU8 = function() {
if (this.byteLength >= this.offset+1) {
return this.getUint8(this.offset++);
} else {
return null;
But got an error:
DataView.prototype.byteLength called on incompatible receiver CFDataView
From the proposals, I tried to do like this:
var CFDataView = function CFDataView(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength) {
DataView.call(this, buffer, byteOffset, byteLength);
this.offset = 0;
CFDataView.prototype = Object.create(DataView.prototype);
CFDataView.prototype.constructor = CFDataView;
But receive an error:
TypeError: Constructor DataView requires 'new'
You need to use ES6 class
to extend the native classes such as DataView
. As the error messages say, you can only use the methods on real dataviews ("compatible receivers"), and to create such you need to use the DataView
constructor (with new
- or with super
or Reflect.construct
). So
class CFDataView {
constructor(...args) {
this.offset = 0;
readU8() {
if (this.byteLength >= this.offset+1) {
return this.getUint8(this.offset++);
} else {
return null;