I am working on an autocompletion script and was thinking about using a trie. My problem is I want everything that matches to be returned. So for example I type in the letter r
I want all entries starting with r
to be returned. Then all entries starting with re
etc. Is this feasible with a trie and how would it work. Also, if there is a better way I am open to suggestions. The reason I ask is it seems like it would be complicated and a whole lot of processing to return all of the nodes off of say the r
And yes I may be reinventing the wheel, but I would like to learn how it works.
You can absolutely do it using a trie. Here is some code I threw together that can point you in the right direction:
var tokenTree = function (tokenArray) {
var createLetterObject = function (l) {
var pChildren = [];
var getMatchingWords = function (characterArr, availableWords, children) {
if (characterArr.length === 0) {
for (var child in children) {
if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(children, child)) {
var currentChild = children[child];
var words = currentChild.getWords(characterArr);
for (var pos in words) {
if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(words, pos)) {
if (currentChild.word) {
} else {
var currentCharacter = characterArr.pop();
getMatchingWords(characterArr, availableWords, children[currentCharacter].children);
function doGetWords(wordPart) {
var len = wordPart.length;
var ar = [];
var wordList = [];
for (var ii = len - 1; ii >= 0; ii --) {
getMatchingWords(ar, wordList, pChildren);
return wordList;
return {
letter: l,
children: pChildren,
parent: null,
word: null,
getWords: doGetWords
var startingPoint = createLetterObject();
function parseWord(wordCharacterArray, parent, fullWord) {
if (wordCharacterArray.length === 0) {
parent.word = fullWord;
var currentCharacter = wordCharacterArray.pop().toUpperCase();
if (!parent.children[currentCharacter]) {
parent.children[currentCharacter] = createLetterObject(currentCharacter);
parseWord(wordCharacterArray, parent.children[currentCharacter], fullWord);
for (var counter in tokenArray) {
if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(tokenArray, counter)) {
var word = tokenArray[counter];
if (!word) {
var ar = [];
var wordLength = word.length;
for (var ii = wordLength - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
parseWord(ar, startingPoint, word);
return startingPoint;
var tokens = ["Token", "words", "whohaa", "mommy", "test", "wicked"];
var tree = tokenTree(tokens);
var currentTokenSet = 'w';
var list = tree.getWords(currentTokenSet);
// it will return words,whohaa,wicked.
I'm not saying this is anywhere near the best or most efficient way, but it should at least get you pointed in the right direction.
Here is a jsfiddle showing it working: https://jsfiddle.net/es6xp8h9/