My goal is to allow SQLite access from a sandboxed Lua environment.
But in the example below, it is still possible to use attach database
(and probably more unwanted actions).
Is there a way to run SQLite queries in a sandboxed environment on a predefined SQLite file
SQLiteConnection m_dbConnection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=MyDatabase.sqlite;Version=3;");
m_dbConnection.Flags = SQLiteConnectionFlags.Default | SQLiteConnectionFlags.NoBindFunctions |
SQLiteConnectionFlags.NoConnectionPool | SQLiteConnectionFlags.NoCreateModule |
SQLiteConnectionFlags.NoLoadExtension | SQLiteConnectionFlags.NoExtensionFunctions;
string sql = "attach database 'contacts.db' as contacts;";
SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection);
If you create the connection, SQLiteConnection
has an Authorize
event, which you can use to prevent databases from being attached:
SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=:memory:");
conn.Authorize += Conn_Authorize;
private static void Conn_Authorize(object sender, AuthorizerEventArgs e)
if (e.ActionCode == SQLiteAuthorizerActionCode.Attach)
e.ReturnCode = SQLiteAuthorizerReturnCode.Deny;
e.ReturnCode = SQLiteAuthorizerReturnCode.Ok;