I'm struggling to delete some characters from StringBuilder. The method works fine. However, I want to achieve the same via Java-8 streams API. Current code is verbose. Is there any way to refactor second method removeCarryReturnsCharacters() via Java 8 streams API?
private static StringBuilder readEntireFileUsingStream(Path filePath) throws IOException {
StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(Files.readAllLines(filePath, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)));
return removeCarryReturnsCharacters(data);
private static StringBuilder removeCarryReturnsCharacters(StringBuilder fileData){
int endIndex = 1012;
String needToRemove = "";
long totDataChunkCount = fileData.length()/1014;
long delCounter = 1;
while (delCounter < totDataChunkCount) {
needToRemove = fileData.substring(endIndex, endIndex + 2);
if (needToRemove.equals("^^")) {
fileData.delete(endIndex, endIndex + 2);
endIndex += 1012;
}catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException exp){
throw exp;
return fileData;
The current code is not verbose due to the lack of the Stream API, but tons of unnecessary operations:
needToRemove = "";
is obsoletedelCounter
and endIndex
loop despite you have a classical counting loop with initial statement, condition and increment operation, the exact thing, for
loops are made forlong
variables for values which definitely never exceed the int
value rangetry … catch
block just re-throwing the caught exceptionneedToRemove
variable to hold an object for a single use; you could simply check if(fileData.substring(endIndex, endIndex + 2).equals("^^"))
or, as I would prefer for checking just two characters,if(fileData.charAt(endIndex)=='^' && fileData.charAt(endIndex+1)=='^')
Fixing all these issues will turn the method to
private static StringBuilder removeCarryReturnsCharacters(StringBuilder fileData) {
for(int endIndex = 1012; endIndex < fileData.length(); endIndex += 1012)
if(fileData.charAt(endIndex) == '^' && fileData.charAt(endIndex+1) == '^')
fileData.delete(endIndex, endIndex + 2);
return fileData;
I don’t think that there will be any additional benefit from rewriting the loop to use the Stream API.