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Best way to deal with "Unescaped braces in regex" inside Perl regex

I recently started learning Perl to automate some mindless data tasks. I work on windows machines, but prefer to use Cygwin. Wrote a Perl script that did everything I wanted fine in Cygwin, but when I tried to run it with Strawberry Perl on Windows via CMD I got the "Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex," error.

After some reading, I am guessing my Cygwin has an earlier version of Perl and modern versions of Perl which Strawberry is using don't allow for this. I am familiar with escaping characters in regex, but I am getting this error when using a capture group from a previous regex match to do a substitution.

open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $file)
    or die "Could not open file '$file' $!";
my $fileContents = do { local $/; <$fh> };

my $i = 0;
while ($fileContents =~ /(.*Part[^\}]*\})/) {
    $defParts[$i] = $1;
    $i = $i + 1;
    $fileContents =~ s/$1//;

Basically I am searching through a file for matches that look like:


Then storing those matches in an array. Then purging the match from the $fileContents so I avoid repeats.

I am certain there are better and more efficient ways of doing any number of these things, but I am surprised that when using a capture group it's complaining about unescaped characters.

I can imagine storing the capture group, manually escaping the braces, then using that for the substitution, but is there a quicker or more efficient way to avoid this error without rewriting the whole block? (I'd like to avoid special packages if possible so that this script is easily portable.)

All of the answers I found related to this error were with specific cases where it was more straightforward or practical to edit the source with the curly braces.

Thank you!


  • I would just bypass the whole problem and at the same time simplify the code:

    my $i = 0;
    while ($fileContents =~ s/(.*Part[^\}]*\})//) {
        $defParts[$i] = $1;
        $i = $i + 1;

    Here we simply do the substitution first. If it succeeds, it will still set $1 and return true (just like plain /.../), so there's no need to mess around with s/$1// later.

    Using $1 (or any variable) as the pattern would mean you have to escape all regex metacharacters (e.g. *, +, {, (, |, etc.) if you want it to match literally. You can do that pretty easily with quotemeta or inline (s/\Q$1//), but it's still an extra step and thus error prone.

    Alternatively, you could keep your original code and not use s///. I mean, you already found the match. Why use s/// to search for it again?

    while ($fileContents =~ /(.*Part[^\}]*\})/) {
        substr($fileContents, $-[0], $+[0] - $-[0], "");

    We already know where the match is in the string. $-[0] is the position of the start and $+[0] the position of the end of the last regex match (thus $+[0] - $-[0] is the length of the matched string). We can then use substr to replace that chunk by "".

    But let's keep going with s///:

    my $i = 0;
    while ($fileContents =~ s/(.*Part[^\}]*\})//) {
        $defParts[$i] = $1;

    $i = $i + 1; can be reduced to $i++; ("increment $i").

    my @defParts;
    while ($fileContents =~ s/(.*Part[^\}]*\})//) {
        push @defParts, $1;

    The only reason we need $i is to add elements to the @defParts array. We can do that by using push, so there's no need for maintaining an extra variable. This saves us another line.

    Now we probably don't need to destroy $fileContents. If the substitution exists only for the benefit of this loop (so I doesn't re-match already extracted content), we can do better:

    my @defParts;
    while ($fileContents =~ /(.*Part[^\}]*\})/g) {
        push @defParts, $1;

    Using /g in scalar context attaches a "current position" to $fileContents, so the next match attempt starts where the previous match left off. This is probably more efficient because it doesn't have to keep rewriting $fileContents.

    my @defParts = $fileContents =~ /(.*Part[^\}]*\})/g;

    ... Or we could just use //g in list context, where it returns a list of all captured groups of all matches, and assign that to @defParts.

    my @defParts = $fileContents =~ /.*Part[^\}]*\}/g;

    If there are no capture groups in the regex, //g in list context returns the list of all matched strings (as if there had been ( ) around the whole regex).

    Feel free to choose any of these. :-)