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jpa native Query regexp like with querydsl

I have i query statement like this:

select t.*
  from T_ex_table t
 where regexp_like(t.note,

And if I use it in jpa with querydsl(com.querydsl) like(this is scala, and it doesn't important):

 @Query(value =
    "select t.*" +
      "  from T_PURCHASE t" +
      " where regexp_like(t.note," +
      "                   '^(.*[^[:digit:]]+)?([?1])([^[:digit:]]+.*)?$'," +
      "                   'n')", nativeQuery = true)
 def getByTrackingNo(trackingNo: String): Purchase

While i debug test, it always throw

Using named parameters for method public abstract Purchase PurchaseRepository.getByTrackingNo(java.lang.String) but parameter 'trackingNo' not found in annotated query 'select t.pt_note, t.tracking_no from T_EC_PURCHASE t where regexp_like(t.pt_note, '^(.[^[:digit:]]+)?({?1})([^[:digit:]]+.)?$', 'n')'!

Did i missed something, and how can i fix it.


  • Maybe try to move full regexp to the param method? and build it before. for example :
    @Query(value = "select t.* from T_PURCHASE t where regexp_like(t.note, ?1, 'n')", nativeQuery = true)
    Where ?1 - yours fully build regexp with required parameters.