I'm using NSViewController
's transition(from:to:options:completionHandler:)
. It is working beautifully, but now I am wanting more control (like a custom timing function).
Is this possible? Or would it require another approach to transitioning between view controllers?
Yes, you can modify the animation context if you capture it in an animation group:
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ context in
context.duration = 3
parentController.transition(from: childA, to: childB: options: yourOptions, completionHandler: yourCompletionHandler)
Unfortunately, it seems, modifying the context's timingFunction
property doesn't do anything.
For OS X 10.11 and older, you may use this shim: https://gist.github.com/BenLeggiero/63f84d5f7fd8c9b3c9501d1b68110983