I am trying to mock Java generic interface having overloaded method with different number of parameters. Interface code is:
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
public interface GOInterface<T> {
void send(T record);
void send(T record, Callable<T> onComplete);
I try to mock the sending with onComplete functionality as follow:
import java.util.concurrent.Callable
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
class JavaInterfaceTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockFactory {
behavior of "scalamock"
it should "mock java generic interface with overloaded method (with different number of parameters)" in {
var result = ""
val m = mock[GOInterface[String]]
(m.send(_: String, _: Callable[String])).expects(*, *)
.onCall{ case(s: String, c: Callable[String]) => c.call()}.once
m.send("hello", new Callable[String] {
override def call(): String = {result = "world"; result}
result should be("world")
it should "mock java generic interface with overloaded method (with different number of parameters) 2" in {
var result = ""
val m = mock[GOInterface[String]]
(m.send(_: String)).expects(*).once
result should be("")
The error I get from compiler is:
error: value expects is not a member of (String, java.util.concurrent.Callable[String]) => Unit
[ERROR] (m.send(_: String, _: Callable[String])).expects(*, *)
error: value expects is not a member of String => Unit
[ERROR] (m.send(_: String)).expects(*).once
Looking through the different examples at ScalaMock git I can see there is no test that check Generic Interface with overloaded method having different param count.
My dependencies are:
I created an bug in ScalaMock repo meanwhile.
I managed to to overcome this issue. not in the most clean way but its works. As @PhilippM suggested I needed to fix the type, but unfortunately that was not enough, I needed to create a dummy class. here is the solution which was working for me:
class JavaInterfaceTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockFactory {
behavior of "scalamock"
class StringInterface extends GOInterface[String] {
override def send(record: String): Unit = ()
override def send(record: String, onComplete: Callable[String]): Unit = ()
val call: (String, Callable[String]) => Unit = { case(s: String, c: Callable[String]) => c.call()}
it should "mock java generic interface with overloaded method (with different number of parameters)" in {
var result = ""
val m = mock[StringInterface]
(m.send(_: String, _: Callable[String])).expects(*, *)
.onCall{ call }.once
m.send("hello", new Callable[String] {
override def call(): String = {result = "world"; result}
result should be("world")
it should "mock java generic interface with overloaded method (with different number of parameters) 2" in {
var result = ""
val m = mock[StringInterface]
(m.send(_: String)).expects(*).once
result should be("")
I find this a bit ugly and it might be worst when more complicated Interfaces need to be mocked, but I hope its helps others.