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Android Xamarin: FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag is null

I am trying to understand the FragmentMananger better.

I "inflate" my fragment in a FrameLayout, what works fine.

var fragmentTag = typeof(MyFragment).Name;
myFragment = new MyFragment();
               .Add(Resource.Id.FrameLayout, myFragment, fragmentTag)

But now the question is, at what moment can i find my fragment via the TagSearch. Because after the BeginTransaction()


is still null


  • You can use executePendingTransactions method after Commit method, it will execute immediately.

    And you can also refer to this case.

    Here is the demo based on your last case. I have add some codes in the project:

    FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();
    Fragment1 fragment = (Fragment1)FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag(FRAGMENT_TAG);
    if (fragment == null)
        fragment = new Fragment1();
        fragmentTransaction.Add(fragment, FRAGMENT_TAG).Commit();
    Fragment1 f=FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag<Fragment1>(typeof(Fragment1).Name);
    if (f != null)
        Toast.MakeText(this, "Fragment1 is not null", ToastLength.Short).Show();
        Toast.MakeText(this, "Fragment1 is  null", ToastLength.Short).Show();