I have a TreeMap like so.
// Create a map of word and their counts.
// Put them in TreeMap so that they are naturally sorted by the words
Map<String, Integer> wordCount = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
wordCount.put("but", 100);
wordCount.put("all", 10);
Since it is a TreeMap the content are sorted by key, i.e. the words.
// Iterate over the map to confirm that the data is stored sorted by words.
// This part is also working nicely and I can see that the ouput is sorted by
// words.
Set<String> words = wordCount.keySet();
logger.debug("word, count");
for (Iterator<String> itForWords = words.iterator(); itForWords.hasNext();) {
String word = (String) itForWords.next();
Integer count = wordCount.get(word);
logger.debug("{}, {}", word, count);
Now I am trying to sort them by count. Since TreeMap will not drop the trick I am moving them to a SortedSet.
// Trying to sort the collection by the count now.
// TreeMap cant be sorted on values.
// Lets put them in a sorted set and put a comparator to sort based on values
// rather than keys.
SortedSet<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> wordCountSortedByCount = new TreeSet<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>(
new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>() {
public int compare(Map.Entry<String, Integer> o1, Map.Entry<String, Integer> o2) {
return o1.getValue().compareTo(o1.getValue());
At this point I am expecting the TreeSet to have 2 entries. But it is showing only one. Please help.
// This is NOT WORKING
// The size is only 1. It should have been two.
logger.debug("Size of sorted collection is {}", wordCountSortedByCount.size());
To avoid such errors, it worth to use comparator in Java 8:
SortedSet<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> wordCountSortedByCount =
new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparing(Map.Entry::getValue));