I want to use JavaParser to get the number of identifiers that a java class has.
I downloaded JavaParser jar file and added it to my project, then, I followed some of these instructions and now I am able to programatically parse some Java classes and use methods from ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration
like .getMethods()
, .getMembers()
, etc...
Now, I am wondering how can I get the number of identifiers in each class. There is no .getIdentifiers()
method, so what approach should I take?
If you read the javadoc of javaparser-core
, you will find that JavaParser.parse(...)
returns a CompilationUnit
, which is a Node
in the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree).
The AST can be traversed, e.g. using walk(Consumer<Node> consumer)
Here is a program that will walk the AST of the source previously posted in a comment, and print all the nodes. It will print the identifier of the node, if is has one:
import com.github.javaparser.JavaParser;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.nodeTypes.NodeWithIdentifier;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String javaSource = "class MyClass {" +
" void main(String[] args) {" +
" int a = 5, b = 6;" +
" int c = a * b;" +
" System.out.println(c);" +
" }" +
System.out.printf("%-28s %-12s %s%n", "Node.class.simpleName", "Identifier", "Node.toString()");
System.out.printf("%-28s %-12s %s%n", "=====================", "==========", "===============");
JavaParser.parse(javaSource).walk(node -> {
String identifier = "";
if (node instanceof NodeWithIdentifier)
identifier = ((NodeWithIdentifier<?>) node).getIdentifier();
System.out.printf("%-28s %-12s %s%n",
node.toString().replaceFirst("(?s)\\R.*", "..."));
Node.class.simpleName Identifier Node.toString()
===================== ========== ===============
CompilationUnit class MyClass {...
ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration class MyClass {...
SimpleName MyClass MyClass
MethodDeclaration void main(String[] args) {...
SimpleName main main
Parameter String[] args
ArrayType String[]
ClassOrInterfaceType String
SimpleName String String
SimpleName args args
VoidType void
BlockStmt {...
ExpressionStmt int a = 5, b = 6;
VariableDeclarationExpr int a = 5, b = 6
VariableDeclarator a = 5
PrimitiveType int
SimpleName a a
IntegerLiteralExpr 5
VariableDeclarator b = 6
PrimitiveType int
SimpleName b b
IntegerLiteralExpr 6
ExpressionStmt int c = a * b;
VariableDeclarationExpr int c = a * b
VariableDeclarator c = a * b
PrimitiveType int
SimpleName c c
BinaryExpr a * b
NameExpr a
SimpleName a a
NameExpr b
SimpleName b b
ExpressionStmt System.out.println(c);
MethodCallExpr System.out.println(c)
FieldAccessExpr System.out
NameExpr System
SimpleName System System
SimpleName out out
SimpleName println println
NameExpr c
SimpleName c c