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findViewById for view inside an included merge root-element

I want to use a view in multiple activities. In my case it's a FloatingActionButton. The moment I am searching for the view via findViewById the program throws a NullPointerException. How do I get access to the FloatingActionButton?

As the button should always be the same, I created a XML Layout only including the FloatingActionButton inside a mergeroot element to reduce overhead when using ìnclude.


<merge xmlns:android=""
    android:id="@+id/include_merge" >



To use this in my other XML Layouts I use the include tag

XML Activitiy Layouts that should include the FloatingActionButton

    layout="@layout/floating_button" />

That works so far.

To have the same functionality in all my Activities, I created a BaseActivity which my other classes inherit from, e.g. my MainActivity.


public abstract class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    public FloatingActionButton fab;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View include_merge = findViewById(;
        fab = include_merge.findViewById(;

MainActivity (exemplarily)

public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

When starting the application I receive a NullPointerException in BaseActivity for trying to find the inner element as the View variable include_merge is null.

As I read here the include tag and the root element should have the same android:id. Is there a difference when using a merge as root element? And is it even possible to convert a merge tag into a View.

Do I need to make use of setContentView in the BaseActivity as its onCreate method is called before the one of MainActivity?


Added setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); to BaseActivity as mentioned in the comments which still does not fix it.


  • You don't have to set an id to the <include> or <merge> tag. Just remove it as well as findViewById( The <merge> tag indicates that all its views are added to the container of the <include> tag. Thus there's no View with the id you've set to it. But you can directly find the FAB.

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        fab = include_merge.findViewById(;