In Matlab, it is possible to check how (most?) of the embeded functions are implemented by typing edit function_name
. The mentioned command open function_name
code in editor.
I wonder if there's similar way in Julia language (for example how Cholesky's method has been implemented)?
Yes, there's the @edit
macro call. You have to pass it a function call (not the function name) as it will open the right method.
@edit "a" * "string"
opens the file /base/strings/basic.jl
in line:
(*)(s1::AbstractString, ss::AbstractString...) = string(s1, ss...)
@edit 1 * 2
opens the file /base/int.jl
in line:
(*)(x::T, y::T) where {T<:BitInteger} = mul_int(x, y)
To change the editor used, you can customize the environment variable "EDITOR". Example:
ENV["EDITOR"] = "nano"
There is also the macro @less to print the function