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Angular 5 nouislider with two inputs

I want to achieve below behavior on one of my personal projects which is written in angular 5. A slider which will have a specific range based on the data from a service. I tried to search a lot but couldn't find proper example which gives me a start point. Has anyone implemented such behavior in angular 5. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Trying to achieve


  • This is possible with ng2-nouislider and i have implemented in project as well.

    You just need to provide the range in config as follows,

    someRange2config: any = {
      behaviour: 'drag',
      connect: true,
      margin: 1,
      limit: 5, // NOTE: overwritten by [limit]="10"
      range: {
        min: 0,
        max: 20
      pips: {
        mode: 'steps',
        density: 5