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Click on points on Leaflet map to generate ggplot in Shiny

Using Shiny in R, I am attempting to create a Leaflet map which allows the user to click on any markers to generate a corresponding plot that represents the information (temperature) at that specific site.

I incorporated codes from this question (Click on points in a leaflet map as input for a plot in shiny) and the second trick on this blog ( but still cannot seem to successfully register the clicked marker point in Shiny.

i.e. Nothing plots when I click on any site.

I could not find any solutions based on further research.


# example data frame 
wxstn_df <- data.frame(Site = c("a", "a", "b"), Latitude = c(44.1, 44.1, 37), Longitude = c(-110.2, -110.2, -112.7), Month = c(1,2,1), Temp_avg = c(10, 18, 12))

ui <- fluidPage(column(7, leafletOutput("wsmap", height = "600px")),
  column(5, plotOutput("plot", height = "600px"))

server <- function(input, output) {
  # create a reactive value to store the clicked site
  stn <- reactiveValues(clickedMarker = NULL)
  ## leaflet map
  output$wsmap <- renderLeaflet({
    leaflet() %>% 
      addTiles() %>% 
      addCircleMarkers(data = wxstn_df, ~unique(Longitude), ~unique(Latitude), layerId = ~unique(Site), popup = ~unique(Site)) 
 # store the click
  observeEvent(input$map_marker_click, {
    stn$clickedMarker <- input$map_marker_click

output$plot <- renderPlot({
      ggplot(wxstn_df[wxstn_df$Site %in% stn$clickedmarker$Site,], aes(Month, Temp_avg)) +

shinyApp(ui, server)


  • Here's a solution:

    # example data frame 
    wxstn_df <- data.frame(Site = c("a", "a", "b"), Latitude = c(44.1, 44.1, 37), Longitude = c(-110.2, -110.2, -112.7), Month = c(1,2,1), Temp_avg = c(10, 18, 12))
    ui <- fluidPage(column(7, leafletOutput("wsmap", height = "600px")),
                    column(5, plotOutput("plot", height = "600px"))
    server <- function(input, output) {
      ## leaflet map
      output$wsmap <- renderLeaflet({
        leaflet() %>% 
          addTiles() %>% 
          addCircleMarkers(data = wxstn_df, ~unique(Longitude), ~unique(Latitude), layerId = ~unique(Site), popup = ~unique(Site)) 
      # generate data in reactive
      ggplot_data <- reactive({
        site <- input$wsmap_marker_click$id
        wxstn_df[wxstn_df$Site %in% site,]
      output$plot <- renderPlot({
        ggplot(data = ggplot_data(), aes(Month, Temp_avg)) +
    shinyApp(ui, server)

    The main problem is that you were not changing the object names from the example that you were using, e.g. input$wsmap_marker_click because wsmap is the name of you leaflet ID. Similarly, to access Site info, use input$wsmap_marker_click$id not input$wsmap_marker_click$Site. It is often useful to print the objects within the reactive function to explore what the input object looks like and how to access parts of it.


       # generate data in reactive
      ggplot_data <- reactive({
        site <- input$wsmap_marker_click$id
        data <- wxstn_df[wxstn_df$Site %in% site,]

    Personally in this situation I would prefer to use a reactive expression generate ggplot data (ggplot_data()) from marker click rather than creating a reactiveValues object. Every time the marker is clicked the plot will update with new ggplot_data().

    And proof it works:

    enter image description here