I need the user (or it's ID at least) who made a comment in a post.
It's a java desktop app. I get the access token and selected all permissions, to test only.
I tried this way without success:
com.restfb.types.Page fetchedPage = facebookClient.fetchObject(pageName, com.restfb.types.Page.class);
//String pageID = fetchedPage.getId();
//String postID = "some post id from the 'fetchedPage'"
String postParam = "type,from,created_time,message,likes.summary(true),comments.order(chronological).summary(true){from{id}}";
com.restfb.types.Post fetchedPost = facebookClient.fetchObject(pageID + "_" + postID, com.restfb.types.Post.class, com.restfb.Parameter.with("fields", postParam));//the part 'from' of the 'comments' don't work as expected, returns null, that > "comments.order(chronological).summary(true){from{id}}"
com.restfb.types.Comments postComments = fetchedPost.getComments();
if(postComments != null){
for(com.restfb.types.Comment comment : postComments.getData()){
if(comment != null){
//curiously I can not access the user who made the comment, but if it is a page that made a comment in the post it perfectly returns the user (which is a page)
System.out.println("comment: " + comment.getFrom());// >> 'getFrom()' is null << that is what I need, the or at least the ID as told before.
com.restfb.types.Comment fetchedComment = facebookClient.fetchObject(pageID + "_" + comment.getId(), com.restfb.types.Comment.class, com.restfb.Parameter.with("fields", "from,id,message,created_time,like_count,comment_count"));
System.out.println("fetchedComment: " + fetchedComment);//fetching like that the 'getFrom()' is null too...
Any hint? Sorry for the bad English
If you only need the comment id, the user who made the comment and hers name, you can use this code.
String postId = pageID + "_" + postID; // you should not generate it, take it from the feed
Connection<Comment> commentConnection = facebookClient.fetchConnection(postId + "/comments", Comment.class,
Parameter.with("fields", "id,from{name,id}"));
for (List<Comment> commentList : commentConnection) {
for (Comment comment : commentList) {
System.out.println("Comment ID: " + comment.getId());
System.out.println("User ID: " + comment.getFrom().getId());
System.out.println("User Name: " + comment.getFrom().getName());