I've tried
CacheConfiguration<?, ?> cacheCfg = new CacheConfiguration<>(cacheTemplateName).setSqlSchema("PUBLIC"); //create table can only be executed on public schema
cacheCfg.setSqlEscapeAll(false); //otherwise ignite tries to quote after we've quoted and there are cases we have to quote before ignite gets it
ignite.addCacheConfiguration(cacheCfg); //required to register cacheTemplateName as a template, see WITH section of https://apacheignite-sql.readme.io/docs/create-table
Unfortunately nothing I try seems to work.
I've debugged through and isSqlEscapeAll()
always returned true.
statement I've set TEMPLATE=MyTPLName
Is it possible to disable this behaviour? My queries are already appropriately quoted.
This flag doesn't work for dynamic caches since it could cause some unclearness with table names, which were described in this thread on Ignite dev list: http://apache-ignite-developers.2346864.n4.nabble.com/Remove-deprecate-CacheConfiguration-sqlEscapeAll-property-td17966.html
By the way, what is the problem you want to solve using this flag?