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How to obtain the values of a select element with multiple attribute using jinput?

I'm trying to get the values ​​of a select element that has the multiple attribute using jInput. I estimate to obtain a series of values ​​but only obtain the value of the last selected option

The definition of the select is as follows

... other inputs ...
<select name="jform[something]" id="something" multiple>
    <option value="A">A</option>
    <option value="B">B</option>
    <option value="...">...</option>
    <option value="Z">Z</option>

In the controller I have the following logic that obtains the values ​​of the inputs including the select.

$requestData = $this->input->post->get('jform', array(), 'array');

Here I hope that the value of the select is a series of selected values ​​but as I mentioned before I get only the value of the last selected option.

The content of $requestData looks like this

$requestData = [
    'name' => 'name',
    'lastname' => 'lastname',
    'something' => 'A' // Here I am expeting to have something like 'A,Z'

How do I get the desired values?

The controller code belongs to the controller .../components/com_users/ controllers/registration.php in the register method


  • If you want to get multiple values from select box make that field as array.

    Your field name will be - jform[something][]

    <select name="jform[something][]" id="something" multiple>